Protection of Personal Data




This information is provided in accordance with Article 10 of the "Personal Data Protection Law" No. 6698 and due to legal obligation.

Data Controller

Dear Customers, ziynetgold. As (ziynetgold), we attach great importance to the security of your personal data. In this context, all kinds of personal data belonging to the people who benefit from our products and services and all persons associated with our company, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (KVKK), the purposes of processing, legal reasons, collection methods, to whom and for what purposes it can be transferred and KVKK We would like to inform you about the rights granted to you.

In accordance with the KVKK,  your personal data that you have shared with us through our website , as the Data Controller, within the framework of our activity and service purposes and as explained in the KVKK; can be recorded, stored, maintained, updated, rearranged, disclosed to third parties in cases and to the extent permitted by the legislation, transferred, transferred, shared, classified, anonymized and processed in other ways listed in KVKK. 

In this context, you give explicit consent to the processing, transfer, sharing of your personal data shared with us by being included in our system, including special personal data, in accordance with KVKK and other relevant legislation, and to the other transactions listed above.

Purposes and Legal Reasons for Processing Your Personal Data:

  • Getting to know our customers better and understanding their needs,
  • To provide more effective and quality service by improving our communication with our customers,
  • Carrying out sales, marketing, advertising and promotional activities,
  • Operation of corporate communication and event management activities and processes,
  • To offer personalized products, services and offers to our customers,
  • To measure satisfaction about our products and services,
  • To develop and diversify our products and services in line with our customers' demands and needs, and to carry out the necessary quality and standard inspections,
  • Carrying out other sales, marketing and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) activities, including tele-sales activities and offering you special advertisements, campaigns, advantages and other benefits for sales and marketing activities with applications to increase/improve the quality of services/products offered to our customers. ,
  • Analyzes, profiling studies for sales and marketing activities,
  • Fulfilling our company's legal obligations,
  • Establishment or execution of contracts you have concluded with our company,
  • When necessary, your personal data may be processed for the purposes of protecting and exercising our Company's rights or in other cases where it is mandatory for our legitimate interests.

Your personal data that you have shared with us will be processed in accordance with the periods required by the legislation and other legislation regarding the processing and protection of personal data, especially Law No. 6698, as long as the above-mentioned legitimate purposes are not eliminated.

Collecting Method of Your Personal Data:

Your personal data may be collected by our Company or real or legal persons who process data on behalf of our Company, verbally, in writing or electronically, including but not limited to the following methods;

  • Membership form that you fill out electronically or physically,
  • Social networks that allow you to log in when registering or logging into our websites,
  • Contact forms that you fill out to contact us on our website or third party websites,
  • Online shopping applications, cookies used to recognize you, our mobile applications,
  • Various contracts you have signed with our Company and e-mails, faxes and letters you have sent to our Company,
  • Third party company(ies) that processes data on behalf of our company or supports our company at any stage of the membership program process,
  • Our customer service channels, including our employees, digital marketing and call center,
  • Social media channels, Google etc. use of search engines,
  • Market research companies and companies and programs used to measure customer satisfaction,
  • Membership agreements and other agreements, campaigns, applications, forms, offers.

In addition, your Personal Data is processed based on the legal reasons specified in Article 5 of the Law and listed below.  In accordance with the law, if the following personal data processing conditions are met, your personal data may be processed without your explicit consent.

  • Clearly stipulated in law
  • It is necessary to process personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract.
  • It is mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation
  • Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right
  • Data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject.

In cases where the above-mentioned personal data processing conditions do not exist, we hereby inform you that customers' explicit consent has been obtained for personal data processing activities and that no processing activities are carried out without explicit consent.

Transfer of Your Personal Data:

Your personal data may be processed for the purposes listed above, in accordance with KVKK and the applicable legislation, including but not limited to those listed above; In line with the purposes of the service we offer, it may be transferred to the following persons;

  • In line with the purpose of the service we provide with our business partners and business contacts, regulatory and supervisory institutions,
  • Due to the information technologies we use, the servers located in the country or abroad and the companies that provide this server support, and the domestic/foreign individuals and institutions from which we receive physical server and/or cloud services,
  • Companies that process data on behalf of our company, provide customer satisfaction measurement and profiling support, and provide support in sales and marketing areas where personal data needs to be processed, especially SMS, mailing and archiving.

Rights of Personal Data Owner:

You can forward your requests within the scope of Article 11 of the Law, which "regulates the rights of the data subject", to our Company as your requests,  or to our Company via secure electronic signature to our e-mail address [email protected]  , or by other methods specified in the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller.

Our company reserves the right to update this Information Text at any time within the framework of changes that may be made in the current legislation.

Your Rights Listed in Article 11 of KVKK as a Personal Data Owner:

  • Learning whether your personal data is being processed or not,
  • Requesting information if your personal data has been processed,
  • Learning the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,
  • Knowing the third parties to whom personal data is transferred at home or abroad,
  • Requesting correction of personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,
  • Requesting its deletion or destruction to be evaluated within the principles of purpose, duration and legitimacy,
  • In case of correction, deletion or destruction of personal data, requesting that these transactions be notified to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,

If the processed data is analyzed exclusively through automatic systems and a result is unfavorable to you, to object to this result. If personal data is processed unlawfully and you suffer damage for this reason, to request compensation for the damage.

In accordance with the 1st paragraph of Article 13 of the KVKK, you can submit your request to exercise your above-mentioned rights in writing, through a Notary Public, upon the Applicant's personal application, and signed by the Applicant with the "secure electronic signature" defined in the Electronic Signature Law No. 5070. You can forward it to our Company by sending it to our Company's e-mail address.

Data Controller:     volkan bozdağ

E-mail Address:    [email protected]

Phone: +90 507 599 23 25

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