Security and Privacy Policy requires compliance with the following privacy rules, using an infrastructure that is committed to providing a safe shopping environment to its customers.

Your e-mail address will not be disclosed or used for any reason or to any interlocutor. It will only be used for promotions and information about at certain times  .

The personal information you provide to us will not be shared with other customers, individuals or legal entities without your consent.

Although it does not store your credit card information in any way, it will never ask you for such information.  This information is only used on the payment page to obtain payment confirmation from the bank. Credit card information will be transmitted to the relevant banks through bilateral connections under high security conditions (encrypted with GeoTrust SSL password). (Ziynet Altın) undertakes to fully comply with the provisions of the "Law on Consumer Protection" No. 4077.

Our Security Policy:

Every stage of communication for credit card transactions on our site is secured.

Visitor Communication Security:

Communication between the site and the visitor on the order pages of our site takes place with 256 bit SSL encryption standard. Whether or not this form of communication is available on the page when credit card information is to be given, indicates that the expression written in the address bar when accessing the payment page  is in the form of " https:  // ", not "  http://"  . When you access such pages, you can see the address in the lower right corner of the browser or the address bar. There is also a lock icon on the bar.

Bank Communication Security:

The security regarding the transfer of credit card information from the site to the bank is achieved with the maximum security offered by the bank, and no information (except the user and the order) is stored on the server/system.

Internal Data Security:

When you make transactions in a secure environment, your information cannot be accessed by any person, institution or organization other than the bank that allocated the credit card to you. Credit card transaction page card information is not transferred directly to the highly secure Bank Virtual POS system via e-mail or similar methods. It is not possible even for us to access the credit card information transferred as a result of the online transaction.


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